Wednesday, January 31, 2018

2018 Tony Robbins Date with Destiny Takes Place in Florida

A graduate of the University of Mississippi’s business administration undergraduate program, Russell Raynor Robinson founded and serves as the chief executive officer of Titan Manufacturing and Distribution, Inc., in Collierville, Tennessee. To help him succeed in business, Russell Raynor Robinson has attended several events sponsored by renowned author and business strategist Tony Robbins. One such event is the 2017Tony Robbins Date with Destiny. 

Date with Destiny is a six-day event that helps people find answers about the purpose in their lives. Mr. Robbins provides tools to guide others in reshaping their destinies and determine the life of their dreams. People also gain an understanding of why they do certain things in their lives and how specific values shape what they think, behave, and feel. 

One concept of these sessions is that there are specific moments of decision making that shape everyone’s destiny. Mr. Robbins encourages attendees to shape their own destinies by discovering their life’s purpose and motivation. In 2018, Tony Robbins Date with Destiny occurs from December 7 through December 12 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Brief Comparison of Skydiving and Bungee Jumping

For more than a decade, Russell Raynor Robinson has overseen operations at Titan Manufacturing and Distributing, Inc., as the chief executive officer. Beyond his activities leading one of the 500 largest online retailers, Russell Raynor Robinson is an avid skydiver. He has completed more than 500 jumps, including more than 200 wingsuit dives and various hot air balloon and helicopter jumps.

For many individuals, skydiving and bungee jumping represent two of the most popular adrenaline rushes available. When considering which of these adventure activities to engage in, there are a few things to take into account.

The extreme heights involved with both skydiving and bungee jumping are enough to put many people off. Skydiving, of course, presents individuals with much higher altitudes, about 13,000 feet for a jump compared to no more than several hundred feet for bungee jumping. However, individuals skydiving for the first time will do so attached to an instructor. This addition may not quell any height-related fears, necessarily, but it can be more comforting than a solo bungee jump for novices.

First-time skydivers and bungee jumpers may share similar apprehension regarding their equipment. While both sports require a person to place a significant amount of trust in a few pieces of gear, skydivers do have the added safety of a backup parachute, whereas bungee jumpers rely on a single cord. Regardless of one's preferences, both skydiving and bungee jumping represent a means of facing the unknown and pushing one's self to their limits.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Global and US Health Club Statistics

Since Russell Raynor Robinson founded Titan Manufacturing and Distributing, Inc. in Collierville, Tennesse, in 2006 as a hobby in his garage, it has grown by double digits every year. As the chief executive officer, Russell Raynor Robinson has developed various product lines for Titan distribution including fitness equipment.

Much of the demand for quality fitness equipment comes from health and fitness clubs that charge a membership fee to access their facilities. Worldwide, fitness clubs generate revenues in excess of $80 billion annually. In North America alone, the total exceeded $28 billion, and the United States comprised 90 percent of it. Not only is the United States the largest market worldwide in dollar terms, but it also has the most health club members.

As of 2015, there were 186,000 clubs around the world with over 150 million members. In the United States, 55 million people belonged to one of the 36,000 health clubs. 

Despite its immense size, the global health club market continues to be relatively decentralized, as no chain has been able to establish itself internationally. While most franchises are limited to local and regional markets, there exist a handful with revenues of over a billion dollars per year such as Planet Fitness and Anytime Fitness.